425 dxnews information

425 DX News issue #1305

DXCC prefix: ES - Estonia

DG1BHA, DH5FS, DL3BQA and DL5CW will be active as either ES0UG and ES0/homecall from Saaremaa Island (EU-034) on 11-17 June. Their will focus on 6m, 4m and 2m, but they will also be QRV on the HF bands. Their main QTH will be located in square KO18, with side trips to other squares (KO07, KO08 and KO17). Their Baltic Tour will start on 9 June and finish on the 21st, and will also include participation in the IARU Region 1 50MHz Contest (18-19 June) as LY2AAM from square KO23 in Lithuania, as well activity from other squares along their route. See www.baltic2016.blogspot.com for more information and updates. [TNX DL3BQA]

information from: http://www.425dxn.org

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