425 dxnews information

425 DX News issue #1321

DXCC prefix: 8Q - Maldives

A team from Poland (SP2FAX, SP3CYY, SP3FZN, SP6EQZ, SP6FXY, SP6JIU and SP9FOW) will be active as 8Q7SP from Dhiffushi, Maldives (AS-013) from 20 November to 3 December. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 10-160 metres with several stations. QSL via SP6FXY; logsearch and OQRS on Club Log. The logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL within six months. The website for the DXpedition is on www.8q7sp.dxing.pl.

information from: http://www.425dxn.org

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