425 dxnews information

425 DX News issue #1215

DXCC prefix: VK - Australia

Craig, VK5CE will be active as VK5CE/8 from Bathurst Island (OC-173) on 26-29 August [425DXN 1187]. Look for him around 14240-14265, 18140-18160, 21240-21270, 24940-24970 and 28450-28480 kHz. His detailed operating plan can be found at oc173.blogspot.com.au/. This IOTA group has not been activated since 1999, so Craig will focus on 20 and 15 metres "to give out as many unique call sign QSOs as possible". QSL via home call, with logsearch and OQRS on Club Log (he anticipates uploading his log on 30 August, because there will be no Internet access during the expedition).

information from: http://www.425dxn.org

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