425 dxnews information

425 DX News issue #1217

DXCC prefix: VK9N - Norfolk I.

Four Oceania DX Group members (namely Chris VK3QB, Luke VK3HJ, Lee VK3GK and Benton VK3CBV) will be active as VK9NT from Norfolk Island (OC-005) on 12-21 September. They plan to operate SSB and CW on 160-10 metres, with two stations "as often as possible", and to keep "at least one station on-air 18 hours per day". QSL via VK2CA, direct or bureau (logsearch and OQRS on Club Log). Logs will uploaded to LoTW "as soon as possible after the DXpedition". Further information at vk9nt.odxg.org/vk9nt2014/index.html.

information from: http://www.425dxn.org

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