425 dxnews information

425 DX News issue #1236

DXCC prefix: C5 - The Gambia

Everything is on schedule for the C5X DXpedition to the Gambia starting on 15 January through to the 26th [425DXN 1227]. With two high-power stations, the team (G3VMW, G3XAQ, G3XTT and M0PCB) will be QRV on 160-10 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and a little PSK31/63. As the public beach area is not suitable for VDAs, antennas include two Spiderbeams on the five HF bands and dipoles at good height for the lower bands. "We have not specified any TX frequencies by band", Steve G3VMW says, "and will always try to avoid other DXpeditions that may be active. However, we will always work split frequency, listening uo, normally between 1 to 5 kHz". They will also "make frequent checks on our TX frequency, and if necessary, move a few kHz lower or higher to clear the QRM". QSL via M0OXO (preferably through the OQRS at www.m0oxo.com); the logs will be uploaded daily to Club Log and LoTW. [TNX G3VMW]

information from: http://www.425dxn.org

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