history and changelog

Here you may track our history and recent changes.

june 2009
    - We have a japanese translation of the site! Thanks to Kazu, JK3GAD.
      - We have an italian translation of the site! Thanks to Florio, LX2DV/IW2NMB.
may 2009
    - We have a russian translation of the site! Thanks to Anatoliy Subbotin, UA4SKW.
may 2009
    - We have a french translation of the site! Thanks to Eduardo Guisard, PY1BR.
april 2009
    - We have a german translation of the site! Thanks to Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK.
february 2009
    - We are the official cluster for the K5D - Desecheo Is. DXpedition.
december 2008
    - new map tool, showing spots.
      - the site is now ready for being translated.
        - fixed content translated to brazilian portuguese.
august 2008
    - new RUFZXP scoreboard analysis tool added in tools section.
      - user now can see his last filters on main page, above the spots list.
        - user now can search for callsign directly on spots page, above the spots list.
april 2008
30 march 2008
    - now we have our latest filters list on main page.
11 march 2008
    - moved to a larger server in order to solve some problems.
3 march 2008
    - announces are back on main and separate listings.
      - user can choose number of spots to be shown.
        - added history/changelog page.
          - add link to us page.
16 feb 2008
    - the site is moved to a datacenter in the USA, in order to provide faster access.
      - launched the new 2.0 version of the site, using AJAX technology.
march 2006
    - redesign of the site internals.
      - added a database server to our setup, we now run 2 servers.
february 2006
    - we got a link from 3Y0X website pointing to us.
      - reached a peak of 225000 page views a day.
        - average of 80000 page views a day.
september 2005
    - reached for the first time 10000 page views per day.
28 march 2005
    - dxwatch.com is publically released.
      - the site is hosted in a server in an small ISP near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
        - we have about 400 page views per day.

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